You need to know that this part of grammar has been built following this book: "The Grammar handbook 1", a handbook for teaching grammar and spelling by Sara Wernham and Sue Lloyd.
Aim: to develop children´s ability to recognise and write capital letters, so as their knowledge of the alphabet.
Smartboard activity |
Grammar sheet 1 |
The children keep writing the letters using a different coloured pencil each time, until each letter is filled with its own rainbow.
Extension activity: children can put letters into alphabetical order using any alphabet puzzles available.
Aim: develop the children´s understanding of sentences.
Explain that sentences help to organise words and to make meaning clear in spoken and written language.
Children need to unscramble words to make a sentence.
Aim: to develop children´s understanding that there are different types of words and that each type has an special name.
Each kind of word is going to be associated with an action and a colour.
Each kind of word is going to be associated with an action and a colour.
Grammar sheet 5 |
Children draw a picture of themselves and of their teacher and write their proper noun underneath. In the next exercise they have to write the school address on the picture of the envelope.
Extension activity: the children write the names of others at their table, or in their class. They could look for the names of towns and countries in their atlases.
Aim: develop the children´s understanding of common nouns.
Smartboard activty 6 |
Grammar sheet 6 |
Children draw an object or animal and write the common noun for each picture. In the next exercise, they read sentences and write a noun that makes sense in each space. The, they draw pictures for each sentence.
Extension activity: the children can write nouns and draw pictures for other things they can see around them. They can pretend to have a camera and look around for things to photograph.
Aim: develop children´s knowledge of the alphabet.
We´re going to divide the alphabet in four equal parts, the letters would fall into the following groups:
1. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
2. Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
3. Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
4. Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz
Grammar sheet 7 |
Using different coloured pencils for each group, the children write inside the outlined lower-case letters. Then, they write the capital letters next to the lower-case ones.
After that, they write letters that come before and after.
Finally, they try putting groups into alphabetical order.
Extension activity: put more letters on the board for children to put into alphabetical order.
Extension activity: put more letters on the board for children to put into alphabetical order.
Aim: to develop children´s knowledge of when to use "an" instead of "a". ("A" and "an" are the indefinite articles).
Grammar sheet 8 |
What does each picture show? If necessary, sound out and write the words on the board. The children can either just write "a" or "an" underneath each picture or they can write the noun for the picture as well.
Extension activity: the children write down as many nouns as they can that begin with a vowel.
Aim: develop the children´s knowledge of personal pronouns.
Children have to write inside all the outlined pronouns in pink. They read the pronouns and draw pictures for them. For "I" the children draw themselves. If the pronoun is plural they must draw more than one person.
Extension activity: children could write a sentence for each pronoun.
Aim: develop children´s knowledge of verbs.
Action displays: these are some examples of posters showing actions that we can display around the classroom.
Smartboard activity 14 |
Grammar sheet 14 |
Help the children name the verbs for the bees´actions in the first three pictures. The children complete the infinitives by writing the verb roots and should not add -ing.
Read the next three verbs with the class, then the children draw a bee doing each of these actions.
Finally, the children think of three verbs themselves and complete the infinitives, then they draw the bees doing the actions.
Extension activity: using the "verb bees" template, children draw big "verb bees". Each child chooses a verb and draw on the template to show their bee doing the action for it. Then they can be used to make a verb wall display:
Aim: develop the children´s knowledge of verbs.
Grammar sheet 15 |
Children choose a verb and write it at the top. They have to use a pink pencil to write inside the outlined pronouns, then they write their verb beside each pronoun. Remind that for "he", "she" and "it", an `s´ must be added.
Finally, children draw pictures to show the person or people doing the action for their verb.
Extension activity: ask the children to think of other verbs and to conjugate them.
Aim: develop children´s knowledge og the past tense. Explain that simple past tense of a regular verb is formed by adding -ed to the root.
Grammar sheet 16 |
With the children, read through the sheet. The children write verbs in the past tense. Then they decide if the sentences are in present or past tenses.
Extension activity: put some sentences on the board in the present tense and ask the children to write the sentences in the past tense on the back of the sheet.
Aim: develop children´s ability to recognise short vowels in words, so that they learn when to apply the doubling rule before adding -ed.
Smartboard explanation and activity 17 |
Grammar sheet 17 |
The children write the verb roots in the past tense remembering to apply the doubling rule.
Extension activity: ask the children to draw a picture of the `magic´from the "e" being unable to apply the doubling rule.
Aim: develop children´s understanding of verbs, so they know that a verb can describe the past, present or future.
Smartboard explanation and activity 18 |
Grammar sheet 18 |
Children have to write the verbs in the past tense in the "yesterday" column, and in the future in the "tomorrow" column. Then they write some sentences about what they did yesterday and what they will do tomorrow.
Extension activity: ask the children to write some more sentences about what they did yesterday, then choose a verb and conjugate it in the past, present and future.
Aim: develop children´s understanding of adjectives, words which describe nouns.
Smartboard activity 21 |
Grammar sheet 21 |
Children read the adjectives , then they colour each snake to make it fit its adjective.
The, children complete the phrase at the bottom, finally they colour the snake to fit these adjectives.
Extension activity: Hands on activity in which each child is responsible for one part of the snake, where he/she writes the adjective and colours the picture to fit the adjective.
Aim: develop children´s understanding of adverbs, words which describe verbs.
Smartboard explanation and activity 27 |
Grammar sheet 27 |
The children read the adverbs at the top of the sheet and the unfinished sentences under the pictures. Then they decide which adverb could be used to complete each sentence.
Extension activity: write some verbs on the board and ask the children to think of an adverb to decribe each one.
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